Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Free Classroom Management and Recording

This was one of my stumbles last night...

Classroom management is a real challenge for some teachers, I find it difficult to objectively assess students  behaviour, because so much is tied up in my emotional investment in the class.

This looks like a good option - ClassDojo, it's both an app and a website that helps you collect and visualise student behaviour data.

You can also have a live behaviour chart up and running on your IWB.

The interface is easy to use and the App for your smart phone means you can take it with you for sport and out of classroom activities. With an easy way to record both good and bad behaviour, and a great visual way to report on each student, you can start to manage classroom behaviour issues.

You can customise behaviours and the students can change their avatars and track their own progress.

It is much easier to manage what you can measure.


Hey Polly said...

In my high school I used to be a part of the class management and I hadn't got time for writing assignments. I applied for plagiarism-free essay writing UK lots of times and finally found out about real professionals!

Unknown said...

You are giving to all students just fantastic advices. But not all of them may use it for sure. For them I may advice to use some bookwormlab to finish their writings!